Ellington Wesleyan Church was officially established in 1964 after it began in the Cider Mill Road home of Rev. Hervey W. Taber. When it soon came time for the construction of a church facility, the growing and blossoming congregation briefly met at the Skinner Road School in Vernon, CT.
On May 30, 1967, the newly constructed church was officially dedicated. Almost five years later, an educational wing was added and the sanctuary was enlarged. In recent years, several renovation projects have greatly enhanced and updated various rooms and gathering spaces. To this day, the church continues to offer a warm and inviting space for people and families to gather.
Through the years, the people of EWC have remained devoted to being a symbol and presence of hope and healing in Tolland County. The legacy of EWC continues as the present congregation continues to seek ways to be a grace-filled, life-impacting and restorative force in the local and global community. Because God welcomes all of us, everyone is welcome here!
Ellington Wesleyan Church is a part of “The Wesleyan Church”; a worldwide Protestant denomination. The name “Wesleyan” is in honor of John Wesley, an 18th century priest in the Church of England who was the inspiration and founder of the Methodist movement.
Wesley's unwavering conviction about the utter depths of God's grace and love, inspired him to preach to thousands of people all over his country, especially those pushed to the fringes of society. Wesley and his followers ministered to the disenfranchised. It was the unrelenting ministry efforts of John Wesley, brother Charles and all Methodists that motivated and spurred significant social reforms in England.
Like Wesley, we firmly believe that the Jesus is the Savior of all who put their faith in Him and Him alone. We also believe that God desires to heal, restore and transform our lives as we journey with Him. Because of God's passionate longing to redeem and restore all people, the Wesleyan Church can't help but share this message in word and action.
For information related to impact of The Wesleyan Church today, check out: www.wesleyan.org